Ending of Mercury Retrograde & Starting of New Astrological Year


Brightest Blessings on this New Moon in Aries! Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so the New Moon in this initiating sign really kicks off the astrological year. A very magical & powerful time to write our New Moon wishes, desires and intentionally plant the seeds of our longings. When we encounter Aries we are given an opportunity to begin anew and to do work on Self. On the brink of something new, an initiation, a step towards the future. All sounds very wonderful and new beginnings always bring opportunities as new doors open. Although this all sounds very promising, there is a danger we will miss this opportunity because we have become so overshadowed by personal issues and current world affairs that seem to be overshadowing everyone right now. Yet when we choose to see only the darkness, we cannot see the glimmer of light on the edge waiting for us to notice and step through. New paths await, but we have to become like the Aries energies and initiate those first steps towards them, towards the light, however pale or slim it appears. This new moon comes to tell us we are exactly where we need to be right now, that when a new threshold appears, a door opens or an opportunity arises, we must be prepared to cross it so we can leave the dross behind and step into a new life. During this high energy New Moon in Aries, all our intentions and thoughts will be magnified, make sure what you are creating matches what your heart desires. This warrior energy can sometimes cause us to blunder in half prepared and then find ourselves having to swallow hard or change courses quickly to avert disaster. Aries is the warrior who charges in where Angels fear to tread then wonders why it’s all gone pear shaped. We must temper the warrior so he or she becomes more focused, more aligned with our souls destiny, so we can move forward constructively. A powerful and positive time if we use the energy wisely and keep focused on our path ahead.

With Love and Magickal Blessings
Jayrajsinh Chavda

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